In order to change yourself, first you have to decide that you want to change.
When you decide you want to change, you begin to change.
When you begin to change, start to control your flaws. Reduce the flawed activities, do not let them take control over your behavior and your decisions.
If you feel anger, manage your rage. If you feel depressed, lift yourself up. It all starts with the effort, with trying and creating routines. Take one day at a time. Each month be better than previous month. Shut your mouth when you feel the need to be negative. And the bad habits will slowly began to disappear. Ugly will get replaced by Beautiful.
If we try to be better, the Universe will help us. Remember – we are not alone.
Ask others for help. Ask for help in our club. Allow us to burden you off from all the bad things you’ve filled yourselves with and from all that others have filled you with, separating you from your own truth, awareness and freedom.
Search and travel. Join those who are already in the New World. Step towards the Golden Age. Earn the Golden Age.